Hola Spain + Christmas Songs & Presents!

Christmas vibes!
It’s December, and while we’re celebrating an amazing year, we’re also not finished yet and setting up for next year already!
We’ve just announced two gigs in Spain in February – Sala El Sol in Madrid and Sidecar, Barcelona. They’re gonna be True Surrender shows, and we can’t wait to play it to everyone. [Get your tickets now from HERE.]
We’ve got a lot of exciting plans for more gigs – but if you want to see us in our second home – get to the Iberian Peninsula! We say this a lot, but it truly is one of our favorite places to play and we can’t wait.

The other news has been the release of Be Here Christmas Time – Thank you to everyone who has downloaded it – all proceeds from the Downloads go to Focus Ireland. It’s already reached number 2 in the download charts – If you haven’t gotten it yet – get it this week!
Get it for [iphone HERE] and for [Android HERE]

Finally, we’d love to send you a Signed Christmas card – and we’ll send you one with everything you get from our new shop [HERE]. We’ve been proud to see True Surrender feature in so many end-of-year lists and in your own lists, so thank you again.
Lastly – Happy Christmas. Thank you for supporting us and we’ll see you next year for more adventures! 🙂 xxx
Ross, Kieran, NÃal, Ro.